Equality and Diversity in Table Tennis

Research has shown that as in many other areas of society there are significant inequality of opportunity within sport. These inequalities encompass a wide range of those who may be potentially disadvantaged for a range of characteristics - including due to disability, ethnic background, gender, age, poverty or others


The Equality Act 2010 recognised this and made it unlawful for citizens to be treated any less well due to their falling within certain protected characteristics-  including those mentioned above. The Act also brought together a wide range of previous legislation into one single piece of legislation


The Equality Standard for Sport was launched by the UK Sports Councils as a tool to help sports both measure and address the level of equality of participation within them. It is based around a robust and honest assessment of the realities of a sport followed by the development of an action plan to address inequalities and widen opportunities at all levels for under-represented groups


Table Tennis Wales has eagerly accepted its own challenges and has committed itself to obtaining the Equality Standard. The first stage (known as Foundation Level) has already been obtained and we are progressing to the next. Members will note that over the last few years we have requested data on ethnic backgrounds, disability and other diversity-related matters. It is important that we are able to capture as much of this kind of data as possible so that we ae able to measure where we are and what successes we achieve. Your continued co-operation in providing this information is very much appreciated


We are working hard to broaden opportunities for all from under-represented groups to enjoy our sport - especially (but not limited to)


Those from BME communities

Those with disabilities

Women & girls

Those from less affluent backgrounds


Equality forms one of the central pillars of our Strategic Plan. We have an Equality Steering Group which focuses exclusively on these areas of work. We have made significant strides over the last few years in increasing such participation. We have small resource and to leverage results we work collaboratively with other like-minded groups such as BME Taskforce, Muslim Council of Wales, Disability Sport Wales, female-only groups and others


We are very eager to hear from individuals within any under-represented groups who may wish to take up table tennis or who may even be interested in starting clubs or becoming coaches. We will be delighted to do all we can to support and encourage you. Please contact us